Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The Proven Crossfire of Shots in Las Vegas

Map Featuring Four Catalogued Directional Shots in Las Vegas

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following is an explanation of the above. I apologize if this is hard to follow, but the above map is from a series of eyewitness accounts or journalist account of eyewitness accounts of the Las Vegas Shootings.

The primaries in this are:

Rick Ardito
Gary Holland
Brand Thornton

What you are looking out in the above photo is the North is the top, East is right and West is left.

Mandalay is on the left, with the red and yellow lines coming out of it.

Center is the STAGE with a red circle around it. To the top of the state is the MEDICAL TENT in a red circle.

To the far left is the airport and the two white fuel storage tanks.

From Mandalay, one sees the firing line to the STAGE and the TANKS.

At the TENT Gary Holland reported a woman was shot in the back from the Northwest, the bullet exited her stomach, blew it out and killed her.
His report is exclusive and the Lame Cherry is exclusive in for the stomach to have been blown out, this woman was shot with a high velocity HOLLOW POINT OR SOFT POINT BULLET, at close range, and this would be larger than the 223 caliber. The AK 47 is not chambered for those types of bullets traditionally. This is a 308 type round and designed to transfer huge all energy to the victim.

Rick Ardito in this reported shots hitting around him. His group then moved northeast. He then reported shots from behind the stage. This would be shots from the Southwest and shots from the South.

Brand Thornton reported his nephew was shot in the back, from ground level, as he was facing northeast. When this group then ran, a woman with them was shot in the face from the Northeast.

There are not any excuses in this in Tom Gresham discounting videos and acoustics or Sean Homo Hannity lamenting that not more information was forthcoming. These are actual accounts of victims and professionals on scene. In this, we have three different accounts proving the following:

  • A woman was shot in the face form the northeast
  • Brand Thorton's nephew was shot in the  back from the southwest
  • Rick Ardito stated shots were coming from the southwest
  • Rick Ardito stated shots came from the south behind the stage
  • Gary Holland reported a woman was shot from the northwest.

The first volley of shots rattled off the top of the stage and over the crowd. This was the M 60 slap machine gun fire. The second volley about thirty seconds later was multiple shots over each other, a heavy slap and a more metallic lighter sound.
Nowhere in this are single shots being recorded, as in the woman being shot in the face or the stomach. This would point to suppressors to muffle the sounds.

This post limits this to not other stories of other shootings at other locations. This is confined to three accounts of actual events, of people with wounds in proof of trajectory. In the above, there are four shooters from those four different locations.
We know for absolutely certainty now that there were two different calibers and types of bullets. Brand Thornton's nephew was hit by a 223 full metal jacket bullet, with no expansion that exited his body. This was a close shot, as close as the kill shot on LaVoy Finicum which exited his body.
Gary Holland's reported victim was a woman shot in the back, and blew out her stomach. This would be more than a hollow point in a large handgun. This was a 30 caliber type rifle, firing a fragmenting or expanding soft point bullet.

This Holland wounding report, is not what was found in the wounding and kill shots, or this would have been reported in heads blown off like John Kennedy or gaping holes in corpses. Hence this northwest shooter was unique.

As stated, Jeff Rense has engaged in a Tex Marrs effort in cataloguing and finding all of these stories of people willing to go on record to save themselves and not disappear as the Kennedy witnesses began dying.

Ballistics do not lie, even though there are numerous cover stories now trying to make Stephen Paddock a lone gunman.

Gary Holland as a former Marine, theorized about various teams sent in and extracted. Jeff Rense has theorized that those in Mandalay, vanished into the top 5 floors of that hotel as they are Saudi owned. None of this is being connected, but the evidence of the ballistics leads to the correct conclusions.

Eric Paddock in an interview stated, STEPHEN WAS AN ARM.....(PLEASE DON'T. I WAS ABOUT TO USE A COLLOQUIAL TERM) Arms Dealer.

He was an arms dealer as much as the money he was dealing with point to money laundering.

Arms Dealers do not shoot up country music crowds. They are in the regime employ and are monitored by the federal government for the Narco Latins and John McCain Muslim ISIS they are dealing with, and being supplied cash to launder and pay for these weapons.

As an additional note in this, perhaps the 20 overseas trips on ships that Steve Paddock ventured on, were not for money laundering alone. Perhaps that is how he was bringing weapons in out of the Mideast, from the same Saudi, Turkish, and Qatari conduits that the Obama and McCain CIA were arming ISIS with Khadaffi's weapons out of Libya.

Nuff Said
