Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Harvey Weinstein has the Evidence while His Accusers do Not

Just wait until I bring my evidence against my Accusers

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am sorry to have to inform all of you, that criminal justice and civil courts, are not the cheerleader squad calling the fat boy stupid or the stupid girl fat, and that gaggle running them off to ridicule, because they do not like them.

That is the case with Harvey Weinstein, in all of these women who Harvey Weinstein REWARDED with money, gifts and jobs, along with the fag boys, have absolutely NO EVIDENCE against Harvey Weinstein.


British actress becomes fifth woman to accuse of rape...

Harvey set for fiery showdown with brother...

A woman like Kate Beckinsale saying she was up in Weinstein's room, offer her at 17 some champagne and asked for a massage 300 years ago is he said she said and nothing more.
Women tweeing Weinstein raped them are women tweeting on Twitter they were raped. There is not any evidence.

Mira Sorvino saying Weinstein showed up, she called some guy up to come over and pretend to be her boyfriend, and Weinstein leaving before he got there is HEAR SAY. Even if the guy had seen Weinstein, unless Weinstein was gnawing on Sorvino's undies in his mouth, there is NO EVIDENCE.

Just because you do not like fat old pompous Jews, does not mean you can lynch them on the charges of a group of women.

Weinstein is a far cry from Bill Cosby, who admitted he drugged women, which again is a situation WITHOUT EVIDENCE and is why his trial went to poorly.

Weinstein is a far cry from Bill Clinton, but you will remember that no charges were ever filed over the women Bill Clinton raped and assaulted as it was all HE SAID SHE SAID. The only thing Bill Clinton got into trouble with is lying under oath, not for having his cum on Monica's dress.

It is the same issue of Donald Trump having charges brought against him in some beauty contestant saying he kissed her and grabbed her. Whether it happened or not, that is not evidence of him talking about pussy grabbing another woman. It is not evidence just because some woman, man or child cries foul.
Rape is not being kissed. Sexual assault is not someone grabbing your butt. Rape and Sexual assault are acts of violence, where physical force is deployed.
Feeling a woman's breast is unwanted, but grabbing her arm and pulling her into a room is more than unwanted, it is a physical action of violent intent.
Again, one had better have bruises, more than the fake news bruises of that woman who accused Donald Trump of being forceful with her in public, because without evidence that is factual, it is just ACCUSATION.

The much touted charges by some skirt in New York, and the DA not filing charges, was not because Weinstein paid him off or because he was the liberal elite, but was because there was NOT ANY EVIDENCE. It was a woman talking to Weinstein about unwanted attention, not criminal rape.
Prosecutors have budgets and mayors and the people to answer to for wasted money. A DA can prosecute a child molester or murderer, protecting all the population, or he can waste time on a marginal case, which he might lose, that protects 20 pretty girls with an attitude who have been conning men to open doors for them since they were teenage manipulators. A DA will opt for the real crime as that is what the Law mandates.

There is a huge problem in this, in America, and it not just women with words. It is Jeff Sessions at Justice parading around America championing sexual deviants and worse yet, promoting that law enforcement can accuse some Citizen of some crime, and then law enforcement can steal all of that person's property without a trial.
Literally according to Jeff Sessions mandates of accusations, on what this last woman accusing Trump of kissing her, Justice can seize Trump Tower and every Trump asset, as that is what Jeff Sessions is promoting and what has been enacted in far too many States.

Courts of law require evidence. Harvey Weinstein has stated he never engaged in non consensual sex. Just because Harvey Weinstein used you as a fuck toy, rewarded you with a great deal of money to make you feel like a whore, and you do not like it, does not mean Harvey Weinstein is a criminal. Just because some people hate liberals does not make Harvey Weinstein a criminal for being around the Clintons who are criminals with evidence to prove it. Just because you hate Jews, does not make Harvey Weinstein guilty of sex crimes.

Each of you had better wake up to this, as America is fast cementing lynching by accusation. Harvey Weinstein has been removed from his company on accusations. Harvey Weinstein has his marriage destroyed on accusations. Harvey Weinstein has been removed from the Academy on accusations.
Yes out of control courts lynch people when the liberal mob gets into a frenzy as Scooter Libby proved as Rod Blagojevich proved in just hanging someone to satisfy the public. The reality is though in Harvey Weinstein is there is not one shred of evidence. There are no admissions on recordings nor acts recorded. It is all rich women who benefited from Harvey Weinstein and rich men who are trying to hide their own criminal acts. That needs to be stated in Ben Affleck, there is EVIDENCE of his criminal actions. There is proof in at least one case. The rest though is accusation.

One can not have a free society when accusations are what drive with hunts or one gets Pissgate, Pussygate and whatever that cripples the political process, weakening America for the 1% control, but places America into jeopardy with enemies who are emboldened.

The Law is not about liking someone or hating someone. The Law is not about accusing someone. The Law is about EVIDENCE, and in Harvey Weinstein's cases there is not any evidence. No Judge would ever allow a parade of weeping women to sway a jury on their word alone as once again there is not any evidence.
Civil Trials and Criminal Cases are different in scope in evidence, but in that there is not any evidence against Harvey Weinstein, and in that I see a 100 billion dollar lawsuit for Harvey Weinstein against the Academy, where he can force all of the members to pay personally for what they did to him. Harvey Weinstein has been harmed financially, and that is important in this, as those are the grounds for slander, and with that all of these women with their stories, are now legally in jeopardy, where Harvey Weinstein can haul them all into court, along with the publications who ran their stories for millions of dollars in crushing all of them.

There is a golden thread of the law for everyone that every person, accused with evidence and innocent all are innocent until PROVEN GUILTY by a Court and not Twitter or an E Lynch Mob. Harvey Weinstein is the one with civil cases against his accusers, and not the other way around, as he has been damaged financially and his reputation ruined for business. That is what the Law states and has always stated.

Harvey Weinstein has the evidence, his accusers do not.

Nuff Said

