Thursday, September 3, 2015

Facebook's Bloody Hand


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not know where to begin in this, because Facebook is the worst seedy bar on the planet.  I observe the people on that site. Most want a platform to be a centerfold as that Mockingbird seeded that into the people's psyche and none are up to it.

I noticed yesterday someone on my list called Barb who was attacked by some keyboard pansy spouting off about CIA things and how stupid she was in her post. Barb was upset rightly and decided to take a few days off. Some like Elva are more than polite in just ignoring the trolls, as these are all bullies, who are too coward to sit in a bar and get their teeth kicked in, but can be like Limbaugh and Levin behind a mic and acting tough.
When I saw the attack on Barb, I just smirked as anyone who uses the verbiage CIA to explain operations is so dense they are stuck in a 1970's mind trap as the CIA is good for training Obama ISIS rapists in Jordan, and long ago the real operations were turned over to sub operation groups who answer to no one.

I watch all of this, and more often than not I find some person with a chip on their shoulder just waiting around to stick a knife in my back. I really frustrate people with the flawless logic here, and it sticks in their hearts, churns, tears, infuriates........and they friend me, compliment me, and when the day comes, it all spills out in some asinine way of attempting to point out what they perceive is a flaw, but God meant to expose them for the frauds they are.

If you remember the scene in Alien when Sigourney Weaver is trying to get the she bitch's attention to go after her to save the child, that is what I have been up to on Facebook. I will admit to part of what I have been running as it is necessary to teach.
I deliberately have been moved to expose Mark Zuckerberg for the pervert he is in his ivory tower. I get complained about, and Facebook has been told to leave me alone as the NSA has priorities with this blog. There is though like at Homoland, a little group of trolls who really want to know who I am. They phish for me. Asking for phone numbers and then asking for legal papers. They decided first to go after the Tiger Lily and then me.
Yes standing up for Christ, Virtue and America is really troublesome to trolls and keyboard pansies. See there are hosts of people who think they are really brave, really patriotic, are really smart, but at heart they are cowards, idiots and are undeserving of being called Americans.

So Facebook took the bait, and I responded with the information they demanded. To this someone who is a Cruz supporter and has been festering about that as I have been moved to expose frauds like Ted Cruz, decided to weigh in and call me an idiot for handing over information to Facebook.
One dimensional minds see what I choose for them to see, just like geeks at Facebook, and I explained that being insulted was not acceptable as I threw bait out to Facebook, and a geek took it, who broke the law.

There has been a wave of these Facebook terrorization of people. The troll thought they were immune hiding behind their screen. The problem is I bring intelligence agencies in my wake, and now a source Homoland was using to gather intelligence on me, has been hindered......and it is illegal, as in Facebook will face real criminal charges in this.
I set this before the people now who have to deal with things like that as this is now in their files and logged. They now have a problem in they are using a criminal enterprise to terrorize Obama's ISIS sent out on one job, and is off raping and murdering people making Obama's image look bad.
These sub groups do not like having to deal with things. I just put these trolls at Facebook in jeopardy, meaning in a simple initiation the beast has been turned on biting off it's foot as the foot is gutting it.

To that I was attacked in not having told this person who attacked me of what I was up to. Yes I should put in print what I am up to, as Facebook is not going to notice that........and this ignorant person also said the regime was not as adept as it's legend is. Another exposure of people who are ignorant as the regime outer core is always incompetent, but the sub groups are efficient and deadly who are in power no matter the administration.

It comes to this, and this is the crux of all of this.

The Viking when he first started e talking to me, was  surprised that I actually responded and cared as no one else did. THIS POINT IS for all the rude, crude and bone head who are on Facebook or trolling wherever, as I know why you are is because you are so nasty that real people want nothing to do with you. You can not make friends and do not want them, as this is all about your preening before others to validate yourselves.
Each of you go email Rush Limbaugh.......see what happens.
Go email Mark Levin  about a problem.......see what happens.
Go find Jeb Bush on Facebook and message him........see what happens.

What will happen is SILENCE. There are reasons these mic heads never make themselves directly available to the public, and it is they could care less about you livestock as all you are is market share. They do not want you around as you take too much energy and too many of you are pure poison in being defeated logically, you stand around like a damned animal and wait for them to have a problem and then plunge the knife in, not because your Ben Carson has been exposed as a fraud, but because you are a fool in thinking you found something to attack them on in something petty.

The Lame Cherry is unique celebrity. I get all kinds of intellectual dunces who are mad their lives suck, they are old, ugly, people ignore them and no one gloms onto them, and there they appear on Facebook expecting me to do the thinking for them, so they can run off and look bright to the people at the office who run from them.
 I will repeat the Lame Cherry is unique as celebrity in anyone who is not an ass can contact me about anything and I do what I can to respond. I will repeat that as it is lost on the shit for brains crowd. Name one celebrity who has ever replied to you? None have and if one ever did reply in a form letter, it was public relations work like Limbaugh featuring those mind fuck books for children to promote his market share.

So you brainless creatures, you are coming close to shutting the door on all of this and it is not about something in your ignorance you have not considered in just a blogger, but a blogger who God has interest in. You piss on me, you are pissing on God.

There are many good people out there. Many of them have real problems and I try to help so they know they are not alone. There is a silent majority though who I understand are scared of me as they should be or are scared of the regime hauling them away. I know they are good people but busy with their lives which are falling apart. There are though a thug set who go around bullying in comments and expect to be able to abuse Lame Cherry, as that will make them feel better, as they should have all these fans, should have all this attention.....and God should be talking to them, as they are so special.
No, what they are is self serving tools of satan slapping on a layer of Jesus to prove how great they are.

I will make the point again, you talk to Lame Cherry and LC answers, unless you are over the line. I am not going to deal with people who are jealous of TL with me, and attack TL. I am not going to tolerate bullies who think they can abuse us or others and delude themselves they can get away with it. You trolls forget that Lame Cherry knows all, and I know what you are up to. If you are too coward to delete me, then I will certainly provide you the darkness.

I really do not know what the situation with Facebook will turn out like in the short term, as that geek group there has been out of control for some time harassing people with criminal malice. I do know though that what I intended to accomplish has been accomplished. I have by God's Grace ignited the political militia which I wrote of. I see their posts now about traitors, hanging the treacherous and looking to future courts to perform all of this molotov mob's justice.
I see this, and know the war on races agenda has been harnessed and turned back on the perpetrators in the regime. This fire does not have to be tended as it is growing as Donald Trump is teaching the Americans how to be what they really are.
The political militia is burning and if events unfold it will become the molotov mob, not of the left, but of the right. See I know the mob, as I know the history. I know the French and the Russians, how their militants spread and in a modern era, how those internet bullies have all left records in being mean to others, and in time people are going to figure out that there is profit and restitution in using NSA records in court to drag these bullies to the gallows.

Facebook was designed to spy on Americans. It's bloody hand though is going to leaving a blood trail keyboard record. No one gets away with anything, and once "the lady" does her service as she did in France, it will be God Judging them to hell.

When you speed read a post, you see what was intended to imprint as a glimpse snaps your brain to the point of prejudicial focus. You see a one dimensional chess board of  too many pieces to ponder. Some though are moving entire wings and boards in movements to achieve things you never figure out even after they are accomplished and you are being moved to the next position you are reacting to.

Now  it is time for you to go email your favorite celebrity as I am sure they are going to reply to you on Facebook as you are such a treasure in this world.
