Monday, April 20, 2015

The New Obama Taxes

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Viking was telling me how the IRS was so generous in grabbing money that was their's that apparently the image of Obama was just allowing him to hold onto for borrowing purposes......

You know like that Minnesota gal bawling at the State of the Union after image Obama bragged her up for going into massive debt to be educated, to work a 30 hour nursing job, wiping geezer butts with a 250,000 dollar loan so the real estate blood suckers could get their 15% closing know how it is, the regime is our friend and always looking out for the best interests of all.

None of this is making it on Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin or Matthews or whatever twat lesbian is on the left pretending to be mind conditioned Bruce Jenner fag, as to how in the last two years, the Obama regime in letting the Bush tax cuts expire, have Americans who are not rich, rolling their eyes in disbelief in the massive tax bills they are now being extorted by.

I wanted to share something about this blog, so you richtards get it, who steal information from here and think this is all free. God will make you pay with your immortal souls in the end, because this blog in order to "work" has a bit of Red State and Michelle Malkin retaliation involved here.

See the shill blogs which are funded by the corporates to herd people, got successful, and with that the regime retaliated and started taxing the hell out of them. I will be plain in this. I lose money in the little farming operation I exist in. In that, I do not on years when I go broke, do not have to pay to Social Security. That though has now all changed with this blog.

I am not a Mother Jones, non profit, like that front is operating at, which is most likely a shell game in the employees are the owners and get paid a wage, with all the IRS and Social Security removed for the pure profit from the shadowlands.
The Lame Cherry is just a blog, the best on the net, but it is a blog. By that, it is classified as a small business and I am classified by it as "self employed". That little title means the IRS and Social Security come after me with fillet knives. I am not going to state what my bill was for the IRS, nor will I state what the Social Security assessment was I owed, because someone might think about paying it, and that makes me uncomfortable.
I will state though that what I thought I would get hammered with was 3 times less than what the actual regime bill was. I do not have to tell all of you tax payers what the prices are, as all you need to do is look at your paycheck and see the amounts going out to taxes and Social Security.

This all got so bad that I considered taking a trip to Mexico, coming across the border as a Mexican so I could get all the freebies the Obama hordes get. It is a dilemma as I do like guns and being an IS operator for 1600 Penn Avenue has it's allure too. I just am not much in eating Mideast food as it ........well tastes like the crud off a camels hoof. Not that Mexican is that great either in that tastes like what comes off of Pepe's foot after stepping in dog crap.

I digress.

Thing is, no one has mentioned the immense amount of money which is being extracted from the poor, because the Limbaugh crew is under orders not to make an issue of this, and of course what would multi millionaires know about what kind of taxes the poor are getting gouged with.

I was informed that I would get most of this back in retirement. Yeah and I am sure a Mexican voting majority with armed ISIS terrorists enforcing their protection are going to allow a popular girl to collect on what was extorted from me.
I am paying it, to not make myself a target. I am though subsidizing all of the richtards and Mexicans now and doing it all in poverty levels.

I would that I could pay your tax bills. I would that in writing a blog I am not now the best pimped popular girl on the internet. There is though a hell of a difference in a multi millionaire hiring a tax lawyer, to start businesses to pimp your books and tea like Limbaugh does in tax deductions to give the wife something to do, and a Viking who knows that thousands of dollars mean something when it comes to tax time.

I am all for this fraud nation led by pimps going bankrupt and the mob rising up or the Russians invading, as there is no difference between Homeland spying and intimidating Americans, than some KGB agents handing out favors to their comrades as DC hands out favors to those it keeps as a mistress.

I will let this end with a verse I have written down here that God brought my attention to.

Commit thy way unto the Lord. Trust also in Him and He will bring it to pass.

It worked with a little covered cake pan, so it will just have to work with things that the poor Christians require too.

I told you I could tell donations were off and it is because the poor are being raped financially. Ask yourself why you never hear about the expired Bush Tax Cuts and the Obama tax increases for the working poor? Why is it this widespread event, which even my Mom's banker was upset over in having to pay a huge sum in taxes beyond what this teller was used to paying.....why is it this widespread gouging of Americans is not even making a blip on Matt Drudge?
